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Why does hair get greasy? Oily hair care 👩🏻💚

Oily hair is a condition that occurs when the oil glands on the scalp produce too much sebum. Sebum is a natural oil for the hair and scalp that helps keep hair healthy by retaining moisture. However, excessive sebum production can make hair greasy, making it look dirty and sticky. Oily hair can usually occur for the following reasons:

Genetic factors: Oily hair can be a result of genetic predisposition. A similar situation can be seen in family members with oily hair problems.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, birth control pills, or hormonal disorders can increase hair oiliness.

Hair type: Hair type also affects the oiliness of the hair. Thin hair can get oily more quickly, while thick hair can be less oily.

Frequent use of shampoo: Shampooing the hair too often can over-dry the scalp and cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Wrong shampoo and hair care products: Using the wrong shampoo and hair care products for your hair type can also increase hair oiliness.

Stress: Stress can lead to oily hair by causing hormonal imbalance.

You can try these methods to fight oily hair:

Right shampoo and hair care products: Choose shampoos with mild formulas that suit your hair type. Simply apply to the scalp and gently cleanse the scalp without rubbing.

Frequent shampooing: Avoid shampooing your hair unnecessarily. Once a day may be enough or determine the frequency of shampooing according to your hair type.

Hair cream and hair care oils: By applying creams and hair care oils to your ends, you can keep your hair moisturized and maintain its oil balance.

Hair drying and styling products: Avoid products like hot blow dryers or hair straighteners, as these can dry out the scalp and increase oiliness.

Nutrition and water intake: A healthy and balanced diet and drinking enough water can have a positive effect on hair health.

Stay away from stress: You can try yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques to reduce stress.

If your oily hair problem persists and causes serious concern, it may be helpful to see a dermatologist or hair care professional. These professionals can assess the health of your hair and scalp and give you more specific recommendations.