Dovga belongs to the group of soups containing dairy products, although such recipes are found in different cultures, each of these dishes is unique. In some places, such soups are made with uncooked yogurt or a yogurt-like product, so the resulting dish resembles ovdukh from our national dishes or okroshka from Slavic cuisine. You can find dovga-like dishes known as yayla and toiga in Turkey and Ardabil soup in Iran.
- 1 liter of yogurt
- 1 egg
- 50 grams of flour
- 80 g of round rice
- 100 g of peas
- 2 bunches of spinach
- 2 bunches of coriander
- 1 bunch of dill
- 1 bunch of mountain coriander
- 1 bunch of mint
- salt
Method of preparation:
Peas are pre-soaked and cooked so that they are covered with water. In the meantime, the greens are washed well, finely chopped in a bowl. In another bowl, yogurt, flour and eggs are mixed until they become a single solution, the round rice is washed and added and placed on the stove. It is mixed slowly. When it starts to boil, greens and cooked peas are added to the pot. After cooking, it is turned off and salt is added.
Dovga should be stirred regularly while it is on the stove. Greens can be added when small bubbles form on the yogurt, which is a sign that it has started to boil.