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Click the add to cart button to get the BLACK JACK VİSKİ 750 ML 40% product of the BLACK JACK brand now.
Type: Viski Burbon
vendor: BLACK JACK
Sku: 30130146
Availability: In Stock

Shipping & Returns

Delivery is carried out according to the time you selected in the schedule when placing the order. Orders are closed 1 hour before the delivery times indicated in the schedule. You can pay with cash or bank cards (pos-terminal) when the order is delivered.

You can find out the minimum amount of the order, which cities and regions are delivered from this link:

Delivery and Payment Terms


You can change or return the ordered products within 14 days from the day of purchase at the branch of Bazarstore LLC indicated on the receipt. When you come to the store, please bring the product and the receipt. The product cannot be returned without a receipt.

If the product has not passed the expiration date at the time of delivery to the customer, and there are no serious defects in its packaging, then it is not possible to return the product to the courier at the time of delivery.

Refund Policy

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Click the add to cart button to get the BLACK JACK VİSKİ 750 ML 40% product of the BLACK JACK brand now. If you wish, you can also review the VISKI products under Viski Burbon.

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